7 Recipes to Make Healthy Smoothies with Coconut Milk


Coconut milk is a popular ingredient in many smoothies because it adds a delicious coconut flavor and provides you with some healthy fats that your body needs. Moreover, smoothies are an easy way to get more fruits and vegetables into your diet without having to worry about chewing or swallowing them. Here are 7 recipes for a delicious coconut milk smoothie that will help you start off the day right! We hope you enjoy our healthy smoothie recipes!

Strawberry Banana Smoothie with Coconut Milk

This is a delicious coconut milk smoothie that mixes the flavors of banana and berries with coconut milk. The recipe calls for unsweetened almond milk, but you can substitute dairy-free alternatives, regular low-fat or full-fat canned coconut milk if desired. This smoothie coconut milk version contains lots of healthy fats to keep your energy levels elevated throughout the morning! It also provides you with vitamins and minerals, as well as a good amount of fiber.

This strawberry banana smoothie recipe makes about two servings, so you can share it with a loved one or save some for later! You’ll need to make sure your freezer is stocked with frozen bananas and berries before making this smoothie because that’s what provides the thick texture of the drink. This also means you can make it all year round, even in the summer when berries aren’t quite as tasty.

This coconut milk smoothie recipe is simple and easy to follow!

You just need:

  • One banana
  • A handful of frozen mixed berries (raspberries are especially delicious)
  • Coconut milk
  • Vanilla extract for flavor,
  • Half a tablespoon of flax seeds or chia seeds. If you want to add a little sweetness, vanilla crème stevia is an excellent option.

You’ll start by mashing the banana with a fork in your blender jar so it’s easier to break down when blending. Add all of the other ingredients and blend until smooth! This recipe tastes best when served immediately, but you can also store it in an airtight container and enjoy it within a day or two.

If you want to make multiple servings of this smoothie coconut milk at once (for example if you’re sharing with someone else), just multiply all of the ingredients by how many servings you’d like to create! Then add everything into your blender jar and blend until smooth. You can put coconut flakes on top for extra crunch! For a super creamy and nutty taste, you can also add a spoonful of peanut butter.

This coconut milk smoothie drink is rich, creamy, sweet, and delicious! It’s also packed with nutrients like vitamin C which helps your body fight off free radicals that can cause damage to cells throughout the day. You’ll get protein from both the almond milk or coconut milk as well as chia seeds (or flax seeds and), healthy fats from the coconut milk.

clear glass bottle on white cloth

Pineapple Ginger Smoothie with Coconut Milk

This drink is a great way to start your morning because it’s full of healthy ingredients and nutrients that will boost your immune system! Ginger contains compounds called gingerols which have been shown to increase the activity of white blood cells, therefore helping fight off infections. While pineapple juice may not contain any actual pieces of fruit like other recipes on this list, it’s still a great ingredient to add because it provides your body with bromelain. Bromelain is an enzyme that helps reduce inflammation throughout the day, which can make you feel less stiff and sore if you’re exercising regularly or putting in some long hours at work on your feet.

This coconut milk smoothie recipe makes one serving of about 12 ounces, and you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • One cup of frozen pineapple chunks (you can use fresh if you prefer)
  • Unsweetened almond milk or full-fat canned coconut milk
  • Ginger for flavor. You can add a little more or less depending on how spicy it is; ginger should taste slightly noticeable but not overpowering.

You’ll start by blending the frozen pineapple in your blender jar until it’s a slushy consistency. If you’re using fresh pineapple, add some ice to help with the texture and chill everything down! Next, add almond milk or coconut milk depending on which you prefer, and blend again for about fifteen seconds. Then just pour into a glass, add ginger for flavor, and enjoy!

This is a spicy but sweet drink that will give you tons of energy to start your day. You’ll get plenty of potassium from the coconut milk as well as bromelain from the pineapple juice which helps with inflammation throughout the body.

clear drinking glass with yellow liquid

Strawberry Protein Shake with Coconut Milk

This shake is a great way to start your day if you’re looking for something that’s packed with protein. It’s also perfect after exercising because coconut milk contains healthy medium-chain fatty acids which are quickly absorbed into the body and burned as energy rather than being stored as fat cells.

You’ll need:

  • one frozen banana
  • Frozen strawberries
  • chia seeds
  • vanilla crème stevia (or another sweetener of your choice),
  • and full-fat canned coconut milk
  • You can also add a couple of tablespoons of protein powder if you’d like to boost the protein content even more!

Start by mashing one frozen banana with a fork in your blender jar so it’s easier to break down. Then add your frozen strawberries and chia seeds and blend until smooth. Next, pour in some coconut milk (about one cup) as well as a few drops of vanilla crème stevia to sweeten the drink up.

Blend everything together for about thirty seconds or until it’s nice and creamy! You can adjust the thickness by adding more coconut milk if it’s too watery or adding in some ice cubes if you don’t want it to be as thick.

This recipe will give you plenty of energy because the protein and healthy fats from the strawberry banana shake are broken down slowly by your body for long-lasting satisfaction!

strawberry shake in clear drinking glass

Blueberry Orange Mango Smoothie with Coconut Milk 

This smoothie recipe is one of the most unique drinks you’ll ever try. It’s packed with healthy ingredients that will help give your immune system a boost, and it tastes absolutely delicious! The orange juice gives this smoothie an amazing taste while the blueberries offer antioxidants to fight off free radicals in your body which can cause disease.

You’ll need:

  • One cup of blueberries
  • A peeled orange (you can leave the white pith on if you prefer)
  • One mango
  • One can of coconut milk

I recommend using frozen fruit for this recipe because it helps to create a thicker consistency. If you’re using fresh fruit, just add in some ice cubes to help chill the drink down.

Start by adding one cup of frozen blueberries and orange pieces (including pith) into your blender jar. Then slice up a peeled mango and throw it in the jar as well along with about half a cup of coconut milk. I like to leave the rest of my coconut milk in the can because it helps to thicken up this smoothie without watering it down.

Just blend everything together until it’s nice and creamy! Then pour into a glass, enjoy, and let your taste buds do some dancing! You’ll get tons of flavor from that sweet mango combined with tangy orange juice.

three clear drinking glasses filled with grape juices

Chocolate Almond Butter Banana Shake with Coconut Milk 

This shake is packed with healthy fats from almond butter, potassium from the banana, and chocolate flavor. It’s easy to make but tastes like a dessert!

You’ll need:

  • One frozen banana
  • One can of unsweetened coconut milk as needed for desired thickness
  • Cocoa powder or unsweetened cocoa powder
  • One tablespoon of almond butter
  • Almond extract (optional)

Start by adding your frozen banana to the blender jar as well as half of the milk. Sift in some cocoa powder or unsweetened cocoa powder until your shake is nice and thick—this will help create that chocolaty feel without using actual chocolate! Then add the almond extract and one tablespoon of almond butter as well as the other half of the milk.

Blend everything together until it’s nice and creamy! If your shake is too thick, feel free to add in some extra milk because this will help give it that smoothie-like consistency versus being super thick like ice cream. It’s important to note that this shake does have three different sweeteners in it so you may not need any additional stevia or another type of sweetener.

ice cream in clear glass cup

Blackberry Beetroot Smoothie with Coconut Milk

This smoothie recipe is one of my all-time favorites because it’s packed with healthy ingredients that are good for your heart, digestive system, and brain! It tastes super sweet thanks to the natural sugars in blackberries but beets have a unique flavor so you may not even miss the sweetness from other fruit.

You’ll need:

  • Two beets
  • A handful of blackberries (frozen works best)
  • One cup of fresh coconut milk as needed for your desired thickness

Start by washing and peeling the skin off two fresh beets. Dice them up into small cubes and throw them in a blender jar with one cup of frozen blackberries. Then add about half a cup of coconut milk and blend everything together until it’s nice and creamy. Greek yogurt is also a fantastic addition to this recipe.

For a sweeter recipe, you can add in two tablespoons of honey or another type of sweetener after blending—I would recommend adding this to all smoothies if they’re too tart for your taste!

red drink in clear glass

Strawberry coconut milk smoothie with chia seeds

This smoothie recipe is a simple and incredible flavor. It’s loaded with strawberries, healthy fats from coconut milk, plus it contains tons of fiber thanks to chia seeds! This makes a great breakfast or snack because you’ll get sustained energy for several hours. You can also add in some protein powder for an extra boost.

You’ll need:

  • Three cups of fresh strawberries (frozen works too)
  • One can of coconut milk as needed for your desired thickness
  • Three tablespoons unsweetened shredded coconut if desired!
  • One cup of chia seeds

Start by washing and slicing up three cups of fresh strawberries—I would recommend throwing these in the freezer for about thirty minutes before blending because this gives the smoothie a nice, frosty feel. Then add one can of coconut milk, three tablespoons of unsweetened shredded coconut, and a cup of chia seeds into the blender jar. Blend everything together until it’s nice and creamy!

This is another recipe where you can add in some honey or other type of natural sweetener if you think your smoothie needs more sweetness but I would recommend tasting the recipe first before adding anything else.

You can also add in some protein powder for an extra boost! (you can do this to all of these smoothie recipes)

white ceramic bowl with red and black berries

Final Thoughts

Coconut milk is a great substitute for dairy in many recipes, especially smoothies. It has become one of the most popular types of milk because it’s loaded with healthy fats that are good for your heart and brain! This article provides you with seven different recipes to make delicious, fruit-filled coconut milkshakes at home. We hope you enjoyed these smoothie recipes!

Want to take your smoothie game to the next-level? – Check Out – “The Smoothie Diet”: Delicious, Easy-To-Make Smoothies For Rapid Weight Loss, Increased Energy, & Incredible Health!

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